• Emblem & Constitution


    During the Global Congress held in August 1997, the World Confederation of the Past Pupils of Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Rome adopted a new design of the union emblem. “MA” which represents ‘Maria Ausilicatrica’ (‘Mary Help of Christians’) in Italian remains the theme of the new emblem




    Annual Assembly

    母佑舊同學會- 聖母書院支會的週年會員大會於每年不遲於 8 月召開一次,當中包括幹事會對會員作出會務及財務報告,以及選出來屆幹事會成員及修改本會會章等等事項。另外,如有需要,幹事會亦可召開非常會員大會以處理於週年大會休會期間的特別議程。