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Polling Results of OLC PPA Annual General Meeting 2018

· News

Dear members,

The PPA Annual General Meeting was smoothly conducted on 7 July 2018 (Sat). A

total of 47 members cast votes unanimously for the agenda of the meeting, the

committee and financial reports, and candidates as committee members for the PPA

under the 2018/2020 term.

We hereby express our heartfelt congratulations to the following candidates who will

be committee members of the PPA with effect from 1 September 2018 to 31 August


Rebecca Choy Chairlady

Esther Chak Vice-Chairlady

Agatha Lai Secretary

Zelinda Ng Secretary

Bertha Chui Financial Controller

Maggie Choi General Affairs

Vivian Ho General Affairs

Endora Wong General Affairs

Rosa Chan General Affairs

Dorina Wong General Affairs

Flora Tse General Affairs

Mary Yiu General Affairs

Alice Ho General Affairs

Anita Wong General Affairs

Willis Lai General Affairs

Alice Tse General Affairs

Emily Lau General Affairs

Eudora Li General Affairs

We would also like to sincerely thank the members who attended the meeting and

have provided their unwavering support to the PPA and the school over the years.

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Rebecca Choy


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