當香港的新冠疫情在五月份開始緩和時,在校師妹們亦相繼在六月完成校外公開試及校內考試,「學術提升計劃組」與「學長計劃組」終於在學校的大力支持下,將一再延期的「CV Writing Workshop」在六月二十六日(星期六下午)舉行。在此要特別感謝學校老師Ms. Kassel Cheung及 Ms. Mandy Ho為我們招募同學參加及準備工作坊的進行。
是次工作坊有十九位中四至中五的同學參加,並由三位舊生負責講解,另有三位舊生協助分組活動, Ms. Angie Lau and Ms. Christina Tsang分享一些從人力資源和行政角度閱讀履歷的經驗,Ms. Alice Tse是工作坊的主講者,她詳細介紹一份履歷需要具備的元素和基本撰寫技巧,使師妹們日後能為自己撰寫一份清晰詳細及突顯自己獨特價值的履歷。
在分組討論時,同學們積極參與「撰寫履歷」的活動,在匯報時亦能在Mrs. Bette Li提問及鼓勵下,用流暢的英語匯報她們的一份「虛擬履歷」。

Feedback of students on the CV Writing Workshop(26.6.2021)
The workshop gives a brief idea of how a CV should be. The speaker explained very clearly and gave a lot of examples which help the understanding of the format and things to include in a CV. The time for us to work on a CV helped me brainstorm how to elaborate a person's strong characteristics. Also, it makes me know what content should be included for different jobs. The arrangement of the workshop is nice too.
Vivian Lam
Before joining the workshop, I thought a CV needed to mention a lot of details. After the workshop,I know more about what to include in a CV. The teachers are also helpful during our groupwork which made me learn a lot.
4C Kiko Tam
The workshop is fruitful because we got some group discussions and shared our work. I enjoyed the learning and I like interacting with my classmates.
4C Samantha Shum
-Nice speakers 👍🏻
-Quite interactive 👍🏻
-Time is a little bit short
-A practice section can be included
Overall it’s really a great experience for me to know more about CV writing. This would help me to be more prepared for my career.
5A Cecilia Tong
After the cv writing workshop,I know how to write a CV in a clear and detail way. It is useful for me in the future.
4C Zoe Ho
The workshop was quite nice actually 👍🏻with clear introduction and briefing for CV writing, widening our horizons at the same time 👍🏻😁
5A Helena Chiu
This workshop has strengthened my knowledge in writing CV efficiently. The activities we’ve done are enjoyable, the mentors are very friendly hence helped us a lot in giving ideas and direction. Moreover, the speaker’s presentation is clear which helps me to have a vivid mindset on which proper information to put in the CV. Most importantly, the presents are fascinating :)))
-Paeonia Chick 4A
I think this event is useful for my CV writing as it hones me skills to choose proper information for my CV. Therefore, I would like to join if there will be any similar event held in the future.
-Katherine Chan 4A
The workshop was very enjoyable and I learned a lot about CV, what it is and how to write it. I’m very honored to have such precious opportunity to learn from experienced former Our Ladians and even the former Principal. The workshop as a whole was knowledgeable and interactive which made the two and a half hours went by like a flash. Looking forward to more relevant activities.
-Pearlie Liu 4A