11月11日 和25日由【學長計劃】安排香港科技大學學生職業生涯規劃導師Jacqueline Lo和嶺南大學學生服務總監 Jenny Ko 走進中六班與同學見面:
It is my honour to have a sharing session with students on choosing their career path. During the conversation, they were interested to know more about how to choose the path either in HK or overseas, and how to find out which University degree they should choose. I am so glad to share my experience with them and hope this can help inspiring them to find their platform to shine!
很高興今天能回到母校和師妹們分享過往的經歷, 藉此鼓勵師妹們可以為將來作出更充足的準備。希望師妹們謹記每天生活經驗的累積,也是為了好好裝備自己的未來, 如果自問已經裝備充足,但機會仍然不敲你的門, 你可以嘗試為自己去創造一扇門來迎接機會的來臨。
If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door!